John Schroder Early Childhood Center John Schroder early Childhood Center

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Distance Learning Plan for EC Students

Distance Learning Plan for EC Families

Dear Early Childhood Families,

As a follow-up to our communication shared on Friday, March 13, we have several important updates for you today. Before we provide specifics, we want to stress that our priority as a district must be family-first, people-first, safety-first

These are unprecedented times that will continue to impact us in very different ways. Our common expectation is for everyone to simply do your best based on your individual circumstances. Let us all be flexible, give grace and offer compassion during this pandemic.

Distance Learning Starts Wednesday

Starting Wednesday, resources will be available on Bloomz or the JSECC No Parent Left Behind Facebook Group. Resources will include learning activities as well as educational resources. If you have any issues accessing either of these, please contact your child’s principal. 

Optional Pick-up of Paper Materials 

Parents will be allowed to come into the building on Thursday, March 19 to pick-up essential resources, paper packets and any medications from the nurse’s office. In an effort to honor social distancing recommendations, we please attend during your designated time. If you are able to make it during your designated time, contact your principal to make an appointment. 

Last Name A-E: 9-10 AM

Last Name: F-J: 10-11 AM

Last Name: K-0: 11-12 AM

Last Name: P-T: 12-1 PM

Last Name: U-Z: 1-2 PM 

Food for Any Family In Need 

For any family in need of food during this challenging time, you may visit any District 44 elementary school to pick-up a breakfast and lunch option. This will begin starting tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17. All elementary buildings will be open from 9-11 am. You do not have to visit your home school; you may visit any District 44 elementary building. 

Be well. 


Ted Stec
