
The Early Childhood Program

The Lombard Early Childhood Program is a unique, multi-aged program that provides experiences for young children ages three through five who have identified disabilities and young children who are considered at-risk. All children have an opportunity to play and learn together in an accepting and engaging environment. Each classroom is staffed with certified teacher and one classroom assistant. Consistent with District 44’s philosophy, the Preschool serves the needs of all children utilizing a developmentally- appropriate approach to instruction. It is not mandatory for preschoolers to be independent in their toileting skills, but it is encouraged.

The purpose of our program is to assist families in meeting the developmental needs of children, to promote the educational and social/emotional growth of children, and to provide a safe, secure and nurturing classroom environment. The program emphasizes the process of growth through active, hands on experiences. The program provides high quality enrichment experiences for our students, as well as activities and educational opportunities for parents and families throughout the year.


Creative Curriculum

Lombard’s Early Childhood program uses the Creative Curriculum as the framework for the preschool program. This is a developmentally appropriate curriculum that is accepted by The National Association of Education for Young Children. A variety of active and quiet work/play centers are provided so children can make choices, create, and interact with peers within their environment. The materials used provide concrete experiences and are adaptable to the many different play and developmental levels of children. The teachers also develop "Units of Study” that thematically complement the children, their cultures, and the community.


Estrellita is a complementary, accelerated, beginning Spanish reading program for students in Bilingual and Dual Language classrooms. Based on scientific learning and reading principles, Estrellita provides multisensory, in depth instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics and fluency. Because it was designed to meet the needs of children at all skill levels, layers of differentiated instruction are built into the program to accommodate students.

Conscious Discipline

Conscious Discipline integrates classroom management and social-emotional learning. It utilizes everyday events rather than an external curriculum, and addresses emotional intelligence.

Daily Schedule Components

***Individual classroom schedules may vary and allow for flexibility but will include the daily components listed above.***

Communication with Families

Communication with families is a vital component of our program and facilitates a relationship with the classroom teacher, educational team and school staff. This may be accomplished through a variety of ways such as:

Supply List

John Schroder School Supply List